July 21, 2007

Procrastination-what you can do

NLP always works best when you are working directly with an NLP Practitioner, but there are some things you can do yourself. I still believe hypnosis to be the best bet. If you don't have access to a good hypnotist, or NLP Practitioner, you can go on line and order a good hypnosis tape for procrastination. If you are trained in self hypnosis- you simply make the suggestion to yourself BEFORE dropping into a trance, as the last thing you want to do is think about it while in trance. That would bring the conscious mind into play, and would be counter productive. Once in trance visit your favorite place and stay there for awhile.

A TIME LINE or REGRESSION is in order to find the source of the problem, and this can be done in hypnosis or out. Also, I would replace your old anchors with more productive ones. It's necessary to work with a professional for these things, but here are some things you can do yourself:

1. Positive Imaging:
This is what we call the "As if" frame in NLP. Also, if you have seen or read "The Secret" you will have some idea of what I am talking about. I like to have a friend help me with this one because it works well if they pretend to be a radio announcer interviewing you. You will pretend to have written a successful book about procrastination, and have succeeded at overcoming the problem. Write a list of things you think would help and ACT AS IF you did them and they worked. You really need to get into this for it to work, really FEEL it. You might want to tape it too, and you can always do it again until you really can feel it. Actors use this as well as the next suggestion . . .

2. Modelling:
Modelling is at the heart of NLP. The object is to figure out the behavior patterns of successful people and replicate them. It's easier than you might think!

Phase 1: Choose someone who gets things done on time, well and organized. Someone who has the qualities you wish to have (in other words, someone who does not procrastinate). Spend time with that person, focus on WHAT she does, HOW she does it and WHY she does it. The WHAT you get from observing. The HOW and WHY you get from asking questions. This requires spending time with this person, and in general becoming a pest, so make sure they understand what you are doing and are okay with it. Imagine yourself in their reality, walk their walk and talk their talk. Just like an actor does when playing a part, become that person (Think of Sissy Spacek in Coal Miners Daughter).

Phase 2: Once you get this down, start REMOVING behaviors and qualities one at a time and see if it makes a difference (You no longer need to be with the person during this phase, because you have already drawn from them all that you need. Now the object is to get rid of what you don't need. For instance, this might be a man, and you certainly don't need the man behaviours. See?) If you leave something out and it makes a difference in your results, then it is an essential element so add it back in. If it makes no difference in your results you can leave it out. This is how you refine your model.

Phase 3: Ask yourself the question "If I had to stand in for this person for the day, what would I need to do to get the same results they do in the same circumstances?"

Anytime you need to get things done, bring out that model and step into it. Once you perfect this technique you can do it with other things too, such as diet and exercise. You obviously cannot live in the model all the time, but keep it available when you need it, and practice it a lot to keep it fresh.

July 18, 2007

Your wish is your command!

He who doubts that the best will come to him with doing of that which is correct is already defeated. Don't blame others for what has happened or may happen. Do right yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually, and the best will come to you.
Edgar Cayce Reading 5203-1

We are the creators of our experience.

At some level we are always in control of every aspect of our lives. This can be a difficult concept for some of us to realize. Especially when we look around at what we have created! When we see chaos, unhappiness, and despair all around us, it always seems easier to put the blame elsewhere. Life becomes a piece of cake (chocolate? Butter cream? Cherry filling?) when we accept our own power and go with it. Once we know we can do anything we become the creative creatures we were born to be.

Beliefs residing deep within the subconscious mind have a powerful, and at times detrimental effect on our motivations and abilities. The use of visualization, and conscious control of our language and thoughts can alter the counterproductive beliefs, or delete them completely. Being the creator that you are, you can create new productive beliefs that will propel you to greater success and happiness!

We master our personal power when we can accept the responsibility for our own experience, and take charge of the wonderful possibility we call the future. When we ask the question “Why do I seem to attract what I don’t really want?” we open ourselves up to excuses and rationalization. Changing the question to “How can I attract what I do want?” creates movement in the direction of success.

Famous author and visionary Wayne Dyer states in his book The Power of Intention, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Negative concepts such as failure, defeat, desperation, and self condemnation must be erased from the black board of your conscious mind. A mindful effort to remove these ideas and replace them with optimistic ones, such as success, happiness, and love will manifest transformation deep within the subconscious mind.

Every experience provides the opportunity to learn and grow. The goal is to run with that opportunity when you see it. Life is a marathon, and every step taken brings you closer to the finish line. Everybody moves at their own pace, and arrives according to their own time line. Ribbons and trophies are given equally to all participants regardless of who arrives first.

It’s a true gift to be the creators of our own experience. Let’s be thrilled with the opportunity, joyous and grateful! Life is what you want it to be, and your genie (the universe) is waiting to grant your every desire.

“Your wish is your command!”