He who doubts that the best will come to him with doing of that which is correct is already defeated. Don't blame others for what has happened or may happen. Do right yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually, and the best will come to you.
Edgar Cayce Reading 5203-1
We are the creators of our experience.
At some level we are always in control of every aspect of our lives. This can be a difficult concept for some of us to realize. Especially when we look around at what we have created! When we see chaos, unhappiness, and despair all around us, it always seems easier to put the blame elsewhere. Life becomes a piece of cake (chocolate? Butter cream? Cherry filling?) when we accept our own power and go with it. Once we know we can do anything we become the creative creatures we were born to be.
Beliefs residing deep within the subconscious mind have a powerful, and at times detrimental effect on our motivations and abilities. The use of visualization, and conscious control of our language and thoughts can alter the counterproductive beliefs, or delete them completely. Being the creator that you are, you can create new productive beliefs that will propel you to greater success and happiness!
We master our personal power when we can accept the responsibility for our own experience, and take charge of the wonderful possibility we call the future. When we ask the question “Why do I seem to attract what I don’t really want?” we open ourselves up to excuses and rationalization. Changing the question to “How can I attract what I do want?” creates movement in the direction of success.
Famous author and visionary Wayne Dyer states in his book The Power of Intention, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Negative concepts such as failure, defeat, desperation, and self condemnation must be erased from the black board of your conscious mind. A mindful effort to remove these ideas and replace them with optimistic ones, such as success, happiness, and love will manifest transformation deep within the subconscious mind.
Every experience provides the opportunity to learn and grow. The goal is to run with that opportunity when you see it. Life is a marathon, and every step taken brings you closer to the finish line. Everybody moves at their own pace, and arrives according to their own time line. Ribbons and trophies are given equally to all participants regardless of who arrives first.
It’s a true gift to be the creators of our own experience. Let’s be thrilled with the opportunity, joyous and grateful! Life is what you want it to be, and your genie (the universe) is waiting to grant your every desire.
“Your wish is your command!”
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