Going in to 2008, the time has come again to set our goals, and work out a plan of action to achieve them. Last year I wrote about some methods of visualization that are quite effective, and I encourage you to go back and read that article.
Although it seems to be a popular idea these days that just wishing and hoping for something is enough to “make” things happen (The Secret), I am going out on a limb to say- that just isn’t enough. There is always work involved in accomplishing an objective. It is simply a matter of presentation. Some people are able to make things look easy to an outside observer, when the truth is the successful achiever has been following a plan of action faithfully, and performing a lot of hard work to get where he is at. Here are some guidelines to make your new year successful and prosperous.
Develop a Well-Formed Outcome
1. Express the goal in the positive.
There’s a big difference between “I don’t want to be sick and tired anymore”. and “I want to be healthy with lots of energy.” The subconscious mind ignores negatives, whereas positives are well received.
2. Make sure the goal is within your power to achieve.
Is it initiated and maintained by you, or does it’s success depend on outside influences? You are in control of your own behavior, but not how well the stock market performs.
3. Is the ecology correct?
When you achieve this goal, will it affect your life in a positive way? How will it affect your family? Your job? Your own values? Are you prepared for the changes it will make in your life, and on others around you?
Once you have developed a well-formed outcome, here are some NLP processes that work best for achieving goals:
1. Add it to your timeline. Place it specifically where you want it to be, reinforce it with anchoring , and lock it into place. Use 3 or more of the representational systems (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory).
2. The “As-if” frame. Acting as if a goal is already achieved can plant it permanently in the subconscious mind.
3. The New Behavior Generator. Running movies of yourself doing the new behavior, in and out of association. This way you can feel, hear and see what it’s like to achieve your goal (associated) and also see and feel it from an outside perspective (disassociated).
4. Visualization. As I described in my previous article that you have already read or will read right away.
5. The Swish Pattern. Brings your goal into focus, to replace old and ineffective behaviors.
Although it seems to be a popular idea these days that just wishing and hoping for something is enough to “make” things happen (The Secret), I am going out on a limb to say- that just isn’t enough. There is always work involved in accomplishing an objective. It is simply a matter of presentation. Some people are able to make things look easy to an outside observer, when the truth is the successful achiever has been following a plan of action faithfully, and performing a lot of hard work to get where he is at. Here are some guidelines to make your new year successful and prosperous.
Develop a Well-Formed Outcome
1. Express the goal in the positive.
There’s a big difference between “I don’t want to be sick and tired anymore”. and “I want to be healthy with lots of energy.” The subconscious mind ignores negatives, whereas positives are well received.
2. Make sure the goal is within your power to achieve.
Is it initiated and maintained by you, or does it’s success depend on outside influences? You are in control of your own behavior, but not how well the stock market performs.
3. Is the ecology correct?
When you achieve this goal, will it affect your life in a positive way? How will it affect your family? Your job? Your own values? Are you prepared for the changes it will make in your life, and on others around you?
Once you have developed a well-formed outcome, here are some NLP processes that work best for achieving goals:
1. Add it to your timeline. Place it specifically where you want it to be, reinforce it with anchoring , and lock it into place. Use 3 or more of the representational systems (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory).
2. The “As-if” frame. Acting as if a goal is already achieved can plant it permanently in the subconscious mind.
3. The New Behavior Generator. Running movies of yourself doing the new behavior, in and out of association. This way you can feel, hear and see what it’s like to achieve your goal (associated) and also see and feel it from an outside perspective (disassociated).
4. Visualization. As I described in my previous article that you have already read or will read right away.
5. The Swish Pattern. Brings your goal into focus, to replace old and ineffective behaviors.
6. Modeling. Modeling someone who demonstrates who you want to become, and has the qualities you wish to acquire in your own personality will put you on track to develop the behaviors you will achieve.
7. Release old, outdated beliefs that prevent you from achieving your goal. I should have listed this as number one, because it is the single most important necessary action. It’s amazing how limiting beliefs can be to your final outcome.
8. Lighten up. Laugh a lot, be happy, and take life with a grain of salt. Meditate, relax and enjoy life. A happy, content and calm person will accomplish more in life as a general rule.
9. Reward yourself. This is important enough that without it, everything else I have listed will have little or no effect. Each small step along the way deserves a reward of some kind, and the closer you get to your goal, the bigger the reward should be. If there are no rewards, why else will you do it? Subconsciously you must feel that you are getting something out of it to maintain the strength to continue pushing. A pat on the back will give you momentum to move in a positive direction.
2008! The year for change!
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